Where to Find Us

For those driving from Melbourne or Adelaide it is less than a five hour drive, as Nhill is 373 kilometres northwest of Melbourne and 354 southeast of Adelaide, South Australia.
CALL NOW ON 03 5391 1622

Where to Find Us

For those driving from Melbourne or Adelaide it is less than a five hour drive, as Nhill is 373 kilometres northwest of Melbourne and 354 southeast of Adelaide, South Australia.
CALL NOW ON 03 5391 1622

Where to Find Us

For those driving from Melbourne or Adelaide it is less than a five hour drive, as Nhill is 373 kilometres northwest of Melbourne and 354 southeast of Adelaide, South Australia.
CALL NOW ON 03 5391 1622

Getting to Nhill

For those driving from Melbourne or Adelaide it is less than a five hour drive, as Nhill is 373 kilometres northwest of Melbourne and 354 southeast of Adelaide, South Australia.

There is also bus service available, air services at Nhill Airport, and passenger rail service on Journey Beyond Rail’s The Overland, which departs Adelaide on Sunday and Thursday and Melbourne on Monday and Friday.